Selfmade lampshade
It started with reading a blog about the beauty of self-made paper, I totally agreed with it and tried to make some paper by myself. The possibilities are endless, there are so many paper-types to use and every step in the progress can make a difference for the final result so you have to try everything to learn more. After making pulp (= wet mixed paper) my blender died due to overheating but I made enough pulp for at least a papersheet of 1m^2. Because of the bigger surface the paper had to dry for one week and in that week I made some drawings of lampshades. When the paper was dry enough I drew triangles on it and cut out 4 sort-of-triangle-shapes (don't know how to call it). I sew them together with a cross stitch and bought a hanging system at 19toen. You can see the result above and the working process beneath.
Papierpieces from old magazines
Making the pulp
Working at my granny's garage