
I want to travel !

Deze quote van Jan Brokken is zo ontzettend waar, je komt jezelf echt tegen door te reizen, vooral als je alleen reist en je alles zelf ontdekt; je positieve en negatieve kanten komen boven tafel en vergrootten je zelfkennis zodanig dat je je soms afvraagt hoe je toch zo in elkaar steekt en waarom je sommige dingen nooit zijn opgevallen... omdat je eerst in je veilige haven was, thuis, waar alles zo voorspelbaar en gewoontjes is. 

I fully agree with this quote of Jan Brokken (a Dutch writer), he says:"Travelling is looking at yourself against another background". It's so true what he's saying there because when you travel on your own you have to do everything on your own (organizing things, being social, meeting people) and you get to know yourself better and better because you see the positive and negative things of your character which you maybe couldn't see or have never discovered in your comfort-zone: home. It's good to find yourself in that situation, to find your real self and look at it in a third person, maybe that's hard sometimes but you will grow stronger and stronger by doing that.

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